Document Templates – Creating, duplicating, editing and deleting - Recorded Webinar

Document Templates – Creating, duplicating, editing and deleting - Recorded Webinar

Need a new document template? Not sure where to start? Need to make some changes to existing documents and delete unused ones? Join us for a comprehensive webinar on all things related to document templates in Palace.

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About this course

What we will cover:

- Creating a brand new document template

- Duplicating an existing document template

- Editing an existing document template

- Deleting an unused document template 


  • Document Templates – Creating, duplicating, editing and deleting Webinar
  • Survey

About this course

What we will cover:

- Creating a brand new document template

- Duplicating an existing document template

- Editing an existing document template

- Deleting an unused document template 


  • Document Templates – Creating, duplicating, editing and deleting Webinar
  • Survey