Email Mail Merge & Ad hoc Templates - Webinar, Tuesday, Mar. 19th, at 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM AEDT

Email Mail Merge & Ad hoc Templates - Webinar, Tuesday, Mar. 19th, at 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM AEDT

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About this Webinar

Come to this webinar to learn all things email mail merge. The team will run through adding in a new template, sending out bulk emails or ad hoc email.

What we will cover:  

  • How to set up a new template 
  • How to send out a bulk email mail merge 
  • Ad hoc email from a specific profile with the ability to now select a template 

What we will take away: 

  • The ability to add a template from scratch 
  • How to on sending an email mail merge in bulk and ad hoc emails 

About this Webinar

Come to this webinar to learn all things email mail merge. The team will run through adding in a new template, sending out bulk emails or ad hoc email.

What we will cover:  

  • How to set up a new template 
  • How to send out a bulk email mail merge 
  • Ad hoc email from a specific profile with the ability to now select a template 

What we will take away: 

  • The ability to add a template from scratch 
  • How to on sending an email mail merge in bulk and ad hoc emails