Inspection Management (Core) - Webinar, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM AEST

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About this Webinar

In this webinar we will take you through the Property Tree workflow starting with finding which properties are due for inspection, through to creating inspection reports and finally closing off the inspection and scheduling the property's next inspection date.

What we will cover:

  • Overview of the inspection process
  • How to configure Automated Inspection Scheduling default settings
  • Automated Inspection communications
  • Setting up a leasing contact
  • How the Property and Tenancy Profile Inspection tabs work
  • Manually adding inspections for Incoming and Outgoing inspections
  • Report and tracking inspections
  • Manage Bulk Edit for inspection status, date and time
  • Manage Bulk Assign to reassign inspections to another user
  • Create inspection reports and close inspection
  • When and how to cancel an inspection
  • Overview of available Third-Party Integration Partners

What you will take away:

  • New insight into the Inspection process in Property Tree from start to finish
  • How to manage bulk updates and the new button for bulk assigning inspections

About this Webinar

In this webinar we will take you through the Property Tree workflow starting with finding which properties are due for inspection, through to creating inspection reports and finally closing off the inspection and scheduling the property's next inspection date.

What we will cover:

  • Overview of the inspection process
  • How to configure Automated Inspection Scheduling default settings
  • Automated Inspection communications
  • Setting up a leasing contact
  • How the Property and Tenancy Profile Inspection tabs work
  • Manually adding inspections for Incoming and Outgoing inspections
  • Report and tracking inspections
  • Manage Bulk Edit for inspection status, date and time
  • Manage Bulk Assign to reassign inspections to another user
  • Create inspection reports and close inspection
  • When and how to cancel an inspection
  • Overview of available Third-Party Integration Partners

What you will take away:

  • New insight into the Inspection process in Property Tree from start to finish
  • How to manage bulk updates and the new button for bulk assigning inspections