Rent Reviews and Rent Increase/Decrease - Webinar, Tuesday, Sept. 03rd, at 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM AEST

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About this Webinar

Rent increases/decreases can only be applied at certain times in a lease renewal cycle. Make sure you are on top of your rent reviews and schedule your rent increase/decrease on time using automated communication and reporting in Property Tree.

What we will cover:

  • Overview of the rent review and rent increase/decrease process
  • Automating Scheduled Rent Change notifications to Tenancy
  • Mail Merge Email Templates for manual rent change notifications
  • Track and report on upcoming rent reviews and overdue rent reviews by tenancy and by portfolio
  • How to enter scheduled rent changes on the Tenancy profile
  • Updating rent change errors

What you will take away:

  • How to be on top of your upcoming, overdue rent reviews and rent increases/decreases
  • A detailed process of the rent reviews and scheduled rent increases/decreases
  • How to troubleshoot rent change errors

About this Webinar

Rent increases/decreases can only be applied at certain times in a lease renewal cycle. Make sure you are on top of your rent reviews and schedule your rent increase/decrease on time using automated communication and reporting in Property Tree.

What we will cover:

  • Overview of the rent review and rent increase/decrease process
  • Automating Scheduled Rent Change notifications to Tenancy
  • Mail Merge Email Templates for manual rent change notifications
  • Track and report on upcoming rent reviews and overdue rent reviews by tenancy and by portfolio
  • How to enter scheduled rent changes on the Tenancy profile
  • Updating rent change errors

What you will take away:

  • How to be on top of your upcoming, overdue rent reviews and rent increases/decreases
  • A detailed process of the rent reviews and scheduled rent increases/decreases
  • How to troubleshoot rent change errors