What's new and improved in Property Tree - Recorded Webinar

This time last year, we were busy chatting with several Rest Professional clients, alongside Property Tree clients who had migrated from Rest Professional, to get some deeper insight into what could make Property Tree an even better cloud-based Property Management Software. This resulted in some really exciting improvements, and we invite you to join us to take a look at what’s changed.

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About this course

Ange Sutton (Product Analyst) and Gabriella Zanco (Solutions Architect) will step you through the latest and greatest enhancements of 2023 in a quick 30-minute webinar. These include such user-driven initiatives as Automated Rent Change Reminders, Multi-line Tenancy Invoices and many Commercial updates.


  • What's new and improved in Property Tree - Webinar
  • Survey

About this course

Ange Sutton (Product Analyst) and Gabriella Zanco (Solutions Architect) will step you through the latest and greatest enhancements of 2023 in a quick 30-minute webinar. These include such user-driven initiatives as Automated Rent Change Reminders, Multi-line Tenancy Invoices and many Commercial updates.


  • What's new and improved in Property Tree - Webinar
  • Survey